Ahh... the home stretch.
Josh and I have been continuing to assist with drilling Monday-Friday every week. We are drilling 3 hours outside Lodwar at a place called Chokchok. We have seen and assisted with the completion of about 5 wells so far. Crazy awesome and a lot faster than expected. Basically, you just start praying and digging. The Lord giveth and he taketh away. He likes the givething I think.
Ministry here has really been different than my expectations. Or at least my role. Instead of preaching, I'm seeing. I can see what's happening. But speaking's difficult (language). And the leaders seem to be doing a good job. So I just hang out and turn drills all day. And God has just been teaching me that my time here is not about results that "I" am producing. God produces results. I'm here to offer myself as a sacrifice and that in itself is what He asked for.
Giving. Love your neighbor as yourself. The second greatest commandment. It's gross to find out how much you love yourself. I get the opportunity every time I look at my suitcase and try to decide which clothes/items I'm going to bring back to America with me. I found myself saying "I want/need this when I get back" or whatever else... but do I? More than they need it? Well that's easy... no. So why do I still want to keeep it? Oh...
Generosity. I have really reconsidered generosity in my life at home. I think so many people, myself included, limit their generosity because so many people try to take advantage of them. But that will always be the case. We live in a corrupt world with corrupt people. Don't let that limit the generosity you show to people who you love and love you.
The area we are drilling wells is a previously unreached area. From what I've gathered the CMF missionaries that have been here were the first to reach these people. And have only been here for 15ish years. So many churches have been established and still growing. But on our drive back to town Friday, our driver, Sylvester pointed at some mountains (maybe an hour away) and said, "They still have not heard about God. We need to go there". That really put things in perspective for me. We are on the frontier! And I pray that this ministry will spread to those places from here. And my mind really races when I think about this, but it is too much to write here on this page.
Tomorrow we leave for more than a week. It's our last trip out so we're going to stay for 9 days instead of 5. Meaning I need your prayers for strength. And Joy despite phyisical exhaustion. Pray for the church here and its growth and movement.
I really do appreciate you all for keeping up with what's been going on here. I've been video taping a lot. And I can't show that from here. So when I get home, I will be able to make a dvd or something of the sort and it will be much easier to see/explain. Love you all.
"Prosperity knits a man to the World. He feels that he is "finding his place in it," while really it is finding its place in him." -C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters